Learn how to lead worship in the NEW WINESKIN of the Church

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"The Spirit of God is moving and the old ways of performance won't work in the new wineskin" - Ryan Delling

Lead for Hours without a Pre-Planned List 

30 min, 1 hour, 3 hour or longer sets: no more fear!  Learn how to flow from the leading of the spirit and not from the chains of a-pre planned list

Fear of not Being Able to Flow

Permanently Conquer that debilitating fear of not knowing what to sing/play next, especially in prophetic settings


Prophetic Song vs. Spontaneous Song

Learn the important difference between each, how each is used, when each is used,  and how to develop your gift in each


Musical Skill vs. Spiritual Discernment

Which is more important?   Which did King David really walk in?  What is the culture of your worship movement?

Priesthood vs. Artistry

The western church at large has elevated artistry over priesthood.  Understand the difference and Biblical priority

Worship Team Roles and Functions

The right people functioning in the right role is critical to the flow of the spirit (Worship leader, co-leader, music director, intercessors, dancers, and more)

Mentorship and Private WL Community

Run with others on the same journey, out of the old and into the new.  Grow, ask questions, glean information, and build relationships

"Ryan's trainings have taught me how to lead in spirit and truth and how to lead from a place of being filled with the Word and the Spirit, not from an empty place of performance"

Enrique R.
Worship Pastor

"Ryan and this course communicates spiritual things and makes them practical and relatable no matter what season of life you’re in. I have learned to stop striving and to just behold Jesus"

Phanord A.
Worship Leader


Lead confidently, BY THE SPIRIT,  in living rooms, on street corners, in churches, or in stadiums for any length of time and in any atmosphere


Worship Leading in the New Wineskin

Only $33

one time payment

  • Lifetime Access to 17 Video Classes (over 4.5 hours)
  • Progress at your Own Pace
  • Access from any Device 24/7
  • Spiritual and Practical Foundations Training 
  • Training to Navigate from the Spirit, not from Your Mind
  • Access to Ryan, Sara, and Others for Q/A
What we are offering on this platform is strictly a teaching/mentoring program designed to support, guide, teach, instruct, and impart spiritual and practical skills of worship leading in the new wineskin along with the synergy of a community of other likeminded worship leaders who are also in the program.   
Spiritual parenting involves a much closer, deeper, longterm relationship that we offer through our free discipleship program called The Underground which requires 36 weeks in person in the NYC area, is invitation only, and is limited to 12 people at a time that we select after much prayer.